2025 - 01 - 02 /// Zampler #24 released, Keratin tomorrow!

Zampler #24 came out on the last day of 2024 and includes a whopping 8 previously unreleased tracks! I know we initially said 9 but one didn’t get finished in time so that might pop up next Zampler. Check out brand new jams from Mourn Recif, Meißel, Blue Youth, Keratin, Återstod, Mahria, Athousandangelsandseven, and Emma Goldman!!! Art by Lucca Cassandra Carver of Split Silk.

Keratin 7”s ‘Death and Rebirth’ releases at a slightly different time than usual as it’s coming from Australia, make sure you’re ready at 2pm PST / 4pm CST / 5pm EST on January 3rd for the drop. We have a mere 50 to cover all of our USA, Canada, and International orders so don’t be sleepin’ in the afternoon! Jam the closing track below.

Click here for the full review!

Adrian’s new Wasse Posse skateboarding video dropped so you know I gotz to share that.

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: FATALIST = Got turned on to this band via Edie’s year-end Everything Remade podcast. This EP goes so hard!

2024 - 03 - 15 /// Test Raffle + Little Big Stuff Thing + Crossed

Crossed’s ‘Vida Quieta’ releases April 19th on 12” via Zegema Beach, Through Love, and the band. You can jam the first single and closing track “Nostalgia” below. Catch them at ZBR Fest 2024!!!

A bigass reminder that the Test Press raffle closes an hour after Little Big Stuff Thing tomorrow at 10am PST / 12pm CST / 1pm EST. As of now if you enter you will win, I have about 17 test presses but only about 5 entries so if you want a test press of your choosing for less than $4US then this is the biggest steal ever.


We got some test presses. Take one of your choice for just $40CAD aka less than $30US!!!

The Little Big Stuff Thing starts an hour earlier at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST and includes a buncha stuff including but not limited to: Onewaymirror 12”, Tristan Tzara mages and handmades, Congratulations handmades, a single Senza 12”, Blind Girls handmades and new No Funeral press, Orchid 12”s (no Orchids are mages!!!), a swirled Gifts From Enola tape boxset, Euclid C Finder’s final cassette copy, a small stack of Burial Etiquette/Mis Suenos splits that were returned, a buncha screamo t-shirts, etc.

Click here for the entire post!

Click here for the full premiere and additional info!

Blue Youth interview unearthed. CFCR Saskatoon from 2018. Their new record is partially recorded! Hopefully it sees the light of day this year. I’ve got like one tape left on the Bandcamp page, embedded below.

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: CLOUT FUNERAL = New demo up! Very awesome.

2024 - 01 - 30 /// Edhochuli music video and Tristan Tzara tomorrow!

Tristan Tzara’s ‘discography’ releases in full tomorrow, January 31st at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST!!! 25 mages, 50 taco, 100 black, 125 random color, and 200 metallic red split between our two stores (bandcamp will only have the latter three variants) and Dog Knights (so if you’re in Europe please order from them!). Emo-violence lore comin’ atchya!

We recently moved a ton of stock including all Blind Girls but a few final random color 12” copies (available ONLY in the U.S. store) out, as well as just three Massa Nera test dips (one in the Canada store / two on bandcamp) then that massive release is totally sold out, and lastly Trophy Hunt’s cassette is down to our last few copies (three in the U.S. store / one on bandcamp)

Demersal released their first single from their upcoming ‘Noir’ 12”LP that Tomb Tree is helping out with. Jam it below!

Click here for the full list!