2025 - 03 - 11 /// Febuary still in stock, Bloom Dream run #2
Bloom Dream tour started yesterday! And blimey we’ve even got another batch of 100 (we’ll have 50, and 50 for the band) including swirls are now live! Pics above, tour poster below, jam/buy under that.
Did we actually order the correct amount of Febuary stock? Cuz we still got like 30 copies left! There’s very little chance these last the week as we keep selling a few every hour so act asap or forever hold your peace. Places to order:
U.S.A. store
Bandcamp (these are the most expensive so try to buy from the correct store above)
Dead Hour Noise’s sophomore full length ‘Slow Burn’ was released digitally with pre-orders of their first 12” vinyl going live last Friday. These should be in hand early April and shipping mid-late April at the latest. Vinyl will /250, burgundy w/orange splatter. This is co-released with The Ghost Is Clear Records.
Everything Remade has vocalist Jeremy Jones from Braininavat on their podcast last week. A great listen, plus we gotz some tapes left so snaggy mcdougle below!
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: WORN THROUGH = Edie from Coma Regalia and Middle Man Records released this new album with Aster Scott on vocals. Very sick stuff!