2024 - 01 - 01 /// Welcome to 2024
This is the last post during our “break”, and we’ll be coming back full force on January 6th with the VS Self tape (pictured below). Until then you can snag some ZBR Fest tickets here, check out CanaDave’s podcast with Ryan of Dreamwell here, or just live your life cuz 2024 is gonna be a rollercoaster. Much love from the Daves.
Zampler #22 ‘86 Percent Combat Effective’ is out and kicking serious ass. 29 jams including 6 previously unreleased by Edhochuli, Terry Green, Gossip, Burial Etiquette, and Our Future Is An Absolute Shadow. Art by Yuri of Bok Suna!
Opheliac + For You, Always For You split cassette just released on CanaDave’s Softseed Music label. Opheliac features Taylor of Burial Etiquette doing some of the most beautiful stuff I’ve ever heard (think Grouper’s more accessible material, but condensed) and Lillyn who you will find hanging out at nearly every screamo fest around doing her best experimental noise/shoegaze/screamo hybrid. If you wanna buy a copy from this store to ship with your ZBR stuff you can find a few copies in the Softseed Section, linked here.
CanaDave has been posting how-to-dip videos on TikTok so if you aren’t following us there you probably should! Starting on Jan 6th you’ll be getting hit with videos about 4-5x per week!
Edie (Coma Regalia/Middle Man Records) and Seth (Funeral Diner/Repeater Records) had a Best of 2023 chat and holy smokes did our name come up a lot. Lotsa love to you two, and the episode was awesome!!!

And don’t forget that we released the No Heirloom self-titled 7” lathe a few days back! The clears went very quickly and now we’re down to just black, and we’ve got less than 20 left.
Operation X-Ray was at it again, this time giving our Inosuke some love. I’ve been told the Best of 2023 is next so I’m hella stoked for that episode!
We had some releases show up on a few Best of 2023 lists including Closet Witch on Riff Cult, Closet Witch again on Archyde, and Zmar on Anarchist Federation.