2023 - 03 - 03 /// Venns + ZBR "Micro Label" documentary

Venns and their The Bunn youtube channel just released this amazing little 7-minute documentary about Micro Labels. Lots of shout-outs and saying the word “skramz”. We absolutely love this shit. Thank you!!! The 7” EP for ‘team sports’ releases on March 9th at 11am CST.

Today’s Hiding In the Outpost (aka our last copy of something):

Woah I found another single Nuvolascura 12” self-titled (the first one) and pretty much everything else by the band is now sold out. Listen to it here.

now sold out:
Komuso 1st EP tape
Nuvolascura 2nd LP tape/12”
Alas 12”
Eyelet new 12”

NUVOLASCURA - Nuvolascura (cd/cassette/12"LP)
from CA$9.00

NUVOLASCURA - Nuvolascura 12"LP (ZBR140)

For fans of: Blind Girls, Mahria and Lord Snow.

Released January 26th, 2019. First press of 200 black 12"s sold out. Second press available on 300 white 12"s.

Featuring members of SeeYouSpaceCowboy, Letters To Catalonia, Ghost Spirit, Curtains and Heritage Unit, this California band (previously named Vril) unleash an absolute whirlwind of screamo fury with their 2019 self titled ‘Nuvolascura’ 12”LP. Combining head-scratching technicality with explosive, screamy, metallic hardcore, this full length will surely be among the top records of 2019. Mastered by Jack Shirley and art by Sean Leary. Released in Europe by our good friends at Dog Knights Productions.

12” white vinyl/300 w/black cover & lyrics on back cover.

Cassettes, technically 2nd run (1st were free with ZBR orders for a limited time): /50, 20 on yellow, 20 on multi-color swirl, and 10 on green/yellow/black swirl. 3rd run /58: 27 white, 18 on red swirl, 10 on black/white swirl, and 3 test dips w/matching swirl cases.
CD in 4-panel digipak /100.

Download code included.

Listen here:

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: BITTER PILL = Supergroup? You betcha!

2023 - 01 - 18 /// Operation X-Ray Best of 2022 + Lower Automation tour

Advertising On The Channel Of Dreams came out two days ago to quite a few surprised ears who hadn’t hear this absolute gem yet. Are your ears lonely? Need some incredible/previously obscure music? Well hell yeah there ya go. 67 tapes, 43 on pearl swirl, 13 random swirl, 10 purple swirl and one halfsies. Technical, speedy, and gorgeous screamo in the vein of Via Fondo, Beau Navire, and Rainmaking.

Lower Automation is doing a run of easterly-ish dates in the US and one in Canada! The dates are below and you can go to the band’s facebook page by clicking on it.

Operation X-Ray held their Best of 2022 radio show and the final section for “screamo/skramz” was littered with Zegema and Tomb Tree releases. Some of our bands that were played: Rotting In Dirt, Virgin Mother, Hetta, Massa Nera, Apostles Of Eris, Venus Twins, Blind Girls, Anna Sage, Gil Cerrone, Piri Reis, Trophy Hunt, Qatsi, Lower Automation, and Keratin. Holy moly!

The debut release ‘Mount Whateverest’ by Ego Death Children’s Choir was set free to destroy the world and almost all of the copies are gone. 1 copy remains on the Softseed Music bandcamp and 1 copy remains in this store, otherwise that’s all she wrote! The band plays mind-altering noise/jazz/grind with saxophone and features members of Blue Youth, Library Voices, Anemone, etc. and it’s highly unlistenable aka great for this crowd!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: MEIßEL = I hereby apologize for sleeping on this sick 2022 EP. Hot, punchy, two-piece hardcore/emo-violence.

2022 - 11 - 13 /// Massa Nera 2nd video/single

We dropped the 12” repress of EYELET’s ‘The Devil Shining Out Your Eyes’ and we sold those mages and nebulas in record time. The black with innersleeve splatter are our final copies and we’re down to about 10 copies of those. It was released less than a week ago, so don’t expect these black ones to sit around. Bandcamp page linked here with all the links you need!

Reversal Of Man swirl copies are in! The Red/Black/Yellow is on press expected before the year is done! Quite a wait, but totally worth it. All of these ROM copies go out on Monday. Here is CanaDave with his personal copy. These are fire and look like fire too! Great work Repeater Records!!!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: RORRIM = Yep, that’s Mirror backwards. I know nothing about this project except that it’s from San Francisco and it’s pretty fucking cool.