2023 - 09 - 21 /// 12 more hours of Big Stuff Thing
Big Stuff Thing #5 is half done, with the US store being gutted and only this Canada/International store has shit remaining (*we also ship to the US from this store). The rare screamo cds are back in there for the first time in months and almost all on sale for like $10CAD (that’s like $7US!), as are some discounted vinyl, advance/rare tapes, climaxing with handmades including nebulas and chromas! Here are a few gems that have yet to be claimed:

My Hair Is A Rat’s Nest new and most epic/expansive/unique album releases on September 21st at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST by way of 42 tapes via Tomb Tree. There are two songs already up on their bandcamp so check it out now if you’d like, then snag those advance copies!!!
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: DESVIO = Awesome Brazilian screamo/neo-crust with a Jeromes Dream twist!