2023 - 04 - 09 /// 4-Way tomorrow + last chance for ZBR shirts

This absolute banger of a 4-way releases right after the shirt pre-order closes. Remember, if we see you have multiple outstanding orders we automatically try and refund you shipping once the combined order ships. You can jam one of three new Hetta songs below, and then there’s one Alas song, and two songs each from Apostles Of Eris and Letterbombs.
Today’s Hiding In the Outpost (aka our last copy of something):
There’s one last Endamori + Big Machine split cassette left, and considering it took us almost 9 years to sell 50 copies I don’t think we’ll be doing another run. Now or never!
now sold out:
Euth 12”LP
Terry Green + Huge Cosmic split
Subjects/Rulers tape
Pictures Of June tape
Nhomme tape
ENDAMORI / BIG MACHINE - 'Split' cassette
released October 6th, 2015
For fans of: Joshua Fit For Battle, Loma Prieta, Mastadon and Cassilis.
Insane split from the US and UK. ENDAMORI offers up their final 3 tracks of dark, pulverizing screamo/emo-violence in the vein of Joshua Fit For Battle, Loma Prieta and Rayleigh. BIG MACHINE drop a whopping 7 songs that vary from "screamo" to "Mastadon". Tape comes in a 1/2 white and 1/2 black shell.
/125 pro dubbed high quality 1/2 black 1/2 white tapes - Released by:
Zegema Beach Records and Sleepinghouse Records.
Housed in a clear cassette case with a 2-panel, 2-sided jcard with art from Sean Conley.
Listen here:
Out Past the Rings ZBR152 is for Blue Noise’s ‘Demo #1’ cassette. Long sold out. Completely fucking amazing. Featuring Maya of Cheeseburgerpicnic, Youth Novel, Heavenly Blue, Monster Bad, etc. (listen to it here)
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: SPOILED BRAT = The new EP ‘Humility’ is a rip-roarin’ good time that mixes screamo, hardcore, and some dancey rock ala Transistor Transistor and Aim Of Conrad.