2024 - 07 - 16 /// What's comin' up
Thursday July 18th is the ZBR Fest 2024 video documentary premiere. Join at 10am PST / 12pm CST / 1pm EST and watch it live with us.

Onewaymirror is out and doing well. The merges are running low, black is down to four copies left, and there is a test press on Bandcamp and in the U.S. store.
Here’s a direct embed to that new Excrucis song “Parasite”. What a banger. 11-song full length cassettes July 22nd on ZBR!!!
Operation X-Ray premiered a brand new Detach The Islands song!!! As well as Onewaymirror, Gil Cerrone, and Hillsboro!
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: VOTIVE = Ex-members of Gas Up Yr Hearse!, Foxmoulder, and Portrayal Of Guilt make up this powerhouse that unleashed their awesome debut this past week.