2024 - 02 - 05 /// ZBR Fest pre-show + single day tickets!
Pettersson has a pre-order and two songs premiering this Wednesday February 8th! We’ll only have 30 copies for North America and the album is incredible, so I don’t expect we’ll have them around for long. Full release is in March, but you can jam the Zampler song premiere from last summer below.

Volp’s ‘Vortex’ releases tomorrow Tuesday February 6th but you can jam two songs now! Full spread above! Fans of The Minor Times, Engineer, Ken Mode, and Horsewhip will adore.
CanaDave got back to the Out Past the Rings and did one for Boneflower’s ‘A(r)mour’ cassette. Check it out above, snag the last two copies of the tape (one linked here) and the other is on the Bandcamp, linked below.
US Dave filmed/edited this new Frail Body music video along with our resident ZBR Fest film crew Wyatt. New album soon.
Operation X-Ray played some heaters on their radio show including Tristan Tzara and Nuvolascura!
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: SWEETHEART = This Ohio band unearthed an album and a 12-minute song that were released just a few days back! Hell to the yes!!!