2022 - 04 - 08 /// Banana Bolt Friday

Sorry, what’s that? We have too much happening today? Yes, we agree. As the year progresses you will see less and less co-releases because without being able to choose dates, our schedule becomes a mess designed by others and no one wins. That being said, have fun attempting to navigate all the shit happening today <3 Let’s start with that sick new Anna Sage music video for “Sinner Ablaze” which we have for pre-order on tape and 12” with the full release happening Friday April 15th!!!

Crossed is out and kicking everyone’s ass. If your behind is currently not slap-happy red then head on over to our bandcamp page to get the proper boot.

There was an Alas premiere for a song from their upcoming 12”LP and we’ll have the majority of the North American copies. Get pysched by jamming a brand new song at Miss The Stars! This’ll see the light of day this summer.

Click for link.

There is a new Softseed section which I activated today for Social Caterpillar. I’ll update it next week with all of the released tapes. Definitely check out this beautiful full length by ex-members of The Great Redneck Hope, Scowler, Alta, Swells, etc.

SOCIAL CATERPILLAR - When You Woke Up To Dances Of Light (cassette)
from CA$10.00

For fans of: Manchester Orchestra and Elliot.

Honest, stunning, and gorgeous orchestral chamber folk-rock from members of elite screamo bands such as Scowler and Alta (to just name a couple). This is the Wisconsin-based band’s sophomore full length and it takes the basics from their previous record and expand exponentially, adding more orchestral sounds, powerful lyrical content and some seriously infectious singing. Whether it’s the beautiful sing-along “Anti-Prayer”, the soul-oriented “Eraser”, or ambient/noise interludes, this album has something for pretty much everyone.

Cassettes /106, 54 on white w/red stamp, 24 on white swirl (w/swirled case), 22 on neon swirl, 5 test dips w/matching swirl case, and 1 mystery swirl, all in a plastic case with j-card and download code. 9 songs.

Listen here:

CanaDave did another Out Past the Rings, this one #107.5 for Zampler #10 ‘Goddamn Bugs Whacked Us, Johnny’. Come get stupid.

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: SOCIAL CATERPILLAR = It’s just so fucking good.