2022 - 11 - 30 /// Massa Nera vinyl pics
Yo. Friday. Fucking Friday. Friday is Massa Nera day. Tapes. CDs. 12”s. And don’t forget one of the best screamo releases of all-time. Disagree? Listen to it on Friday then tell me that. Here are some promo pics of the records. 250 splatter, 150 seafoam marble, and 100 white. 12”s come with a massive 32-page booklet that should arrive at our stores for a mid-December ship date.

Massa Nera was on Not Just A Phase! A super informative podcast for anyone who enjoys the band and wants more info about the new album!
Here is the Keratin spread for the Australian screamo band’s debut EP ‘Only Eye’ releasing December 5th on Tomb Tree. This is easily one of the best EPs of 2022 so fucking hold your horses already with those lists…jeesh.

Hiding In The Outpost is back after being helluva efficient! These keep going very quickly so I feel like this is a pretty important section. What we got? We’ve got another very early and likely-not-to-be-repressed, this time a 7” and it’s the first Foxmoulder ‘Lethe’ 7” on white. This is pre-Respire! Last copy!!!
now sold out:
Pastel/Merridew split 12”
Massa Nera 1st 12”
Binary 12”
People’s Temple Project + Sleeper Wave 12”
Sans Visage tapes
Blind Girls ‘Residue’ / Blind Girls ‘The Weight of Everything’ (tapes still available for both!)
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: CONRAD VEIDT = Incredible 2-piece Australian screamo/emo-violence. This EP is fantastic.