2024 - 05 - 10 /// Demersal and Niboowin kickin' butts!
Niboowin is out! Discounted bundles with the band’s debut 12”LP ‘Breathing’ are moving hella fast. Screamo and black metal meet atmospheric amazingness from these veterans.
Demersal’s 2024 self-titled full length ‘Demersal’ is out and shipping next week! 10 tracks of unique, versatile, and cathartic screamo/metallic hardcore from Denmark. Easily their best work yet! We’ve only got 25 copies so don’t expect them to stick around for long!

Both videos from Mourn Recif’s first show in Duncan are now up for viewing, and the band has two upcoming shows in May with Hillsboro and Bok Suna, including this newly added Duncan show on May 25th (event page here)
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: REIA CIBELE = Friends of Hetta are friends of mine <3