Holy Shit, Look What I Found #3 .GIF FROM GOD repress +VEIN split / ZBR t-shirts / YOUNG MOUNTAIN video+pre-orders
Before we start I should quickly mention the previous two, as the first was for RESPIRE and their alternate covers for 'Gravity and Grace' (I think we have 1-2 left, linked here) and the second for SEEYOUSPACECOWBOY as I found a few first presses (linked here) and received a shipment of the final 'Demo' cds (right heeya). But today, TODAY is .GIF FROM GOD day! This is a larger post though, and we've also included news about out made-to-order t-shirts with "SCREAMO / SKRAMZ / WHATEVER" on the back. They will be available until August 31st, 2018 and then we will place the order for exactly how many shirts were ordered. The shirts should ship in late September/early October. In this post you will also find the new press and pre-order for .GIF FROM GOD's debut cassette, the final 30 copies of the .GIF FROM GOD / VEIN split 7" and a brand spankin' new music video for YOUNG MOUNTAIN's "Vacant Eyes" and pre-order for the 'Lost Tree' 12". What a day!!!
.GIF FROM GOD 'Defragmented...Reformatted' tape repress on tinted red, silver and gold tapes/125. Pre-order now and receive a free .gif from god sparkle sticker, a ZBR exclusive. Order here or just click on the cover pic below.
.GIF FROM GOD / VEIN split 7"s
Yep, we've found two small boxes. This will never be repressed! We've got them linked here or just click on the image below to grab one before they go for tons on Ebay.
And yo...YOOOOOOO!!! The new YOUNG MOUNTAIN 'Lost Tree' 12"LP pre-orders are now up and the band has released their first single/music video for the song "Vacant Eyes", and it's ridiculous. Grab the 12" here or click on the picture, and watch that damn fine video below. We have the black vinyl and you can nab a discounted set with the 'Drowning In Slow Motion' 12"EP (white).
Pre-order the full length album "Lost Tree" at: http://zegemabeachrecords.storenvy.com/products/24329502-young-mountain-lost-tree-12-lp