.GIF FROM GOD 'Defragmented...Reformatted' new press in / Discography package

Well holy shit we finished those .gif from god tapes. Here they are and some rare 2nd pressings from Contrition, the ‘Assimilation Sampler’ cassette and a 13-item .gif from god discography package.

.GIF FROM GOD - ...Defragmented...Reformatted (cassette)
from CA$5.50


.GIF FROM GOD - '...Defragmented...Reformatted' cassette (1st press/SOLD OUT)
released June 13th, 2016

.GIF FROM GOD - '...Defragmented...Reformatted' cassette (2nd ZBR press)
released September 24th, 2018

For fans of: Lost Lost But Not Forgotten, Norma Jean and Caust.

Perhaps the most important release of 2016, .gif from god drop their debut release barely harnessing the awesome power of sceamo, emo-violence and metallic hardcore. 8 tracks from members of Caust, Kaoru Nagisa, Cage You Call A Chest and Truman on beautifully stamped and glittered red transparent tapes and 2-sided, 2-panel j-card with lyrics and numbered out of 100.

2nd press :
135 copies = 103 dark, transparent red with metallic liner, 19 silver and 13 gold. There are many different covers including black covers w/red shells, sparkle red covers w/transparent shells, sparkle silver covers, red covers, gold/silver/red sticker obi strips, extra sparkle stickers inside, etc. First 30 red tapes come with special red sparkle edition covers.

Listen here:

.GIF FROM GOD - '...Defragmented...Reformatted' cassette (2nd Contrition press)
.GIF FROM GOD - Assimilation Sampler (cassette)

.GIF FROM GOD - '...Defragmented...Reformatted' cassette (2nd Contrition pressing)

For fans of: Lost Lost But Not Forgotten, Norma Jean and Caust.

These rare Assimilation Sampler’s contain two tracks to be released on the upcoming .gif from god LP. These are demo versions and the tapes comes on either transparent smokey or transparent fluorescent yellow. Think Hayworth and Me And Him Call It Us and you’re pretty much there.

Listen here: