2022 - 02 - 22 /// Anna Sage pre-order, etc.
The Anna Sage self-titled cassette/12”LP pre-order is out, with the and the tapes shipping in March and vinyl coming in April. Check out the tape variants below with alternate artwork! Order here in the U.S.A. here or Canada/International here!

Tomb Tree released Tone Failed To Destruct’s debut EP today and we’ve got them in our store! Unrelenting, vicious emo-violence/grind/noise that’ll tear you a new one!

Apostles Of Eris + Encarsia split releases on Thursday. We just released the variants so take a gander below!

Zegema Beach Records Mid-West Fest 2022 is already more than half sold out, with the 2-day passes ending before the week is out. At that point we will post the 3rd/final wave of bands and release the single day passes. So stoked to share this with you, and hopefully see you there!!!
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: TONE FAILED TO DESTRUCT = Malaysian emo-violence/grind/noise that just released today on Tomb Tree and Utarid Tapes! We got dem taaaaapes, yo <3