EUCLID C FINDER - Euclid C Finder! (cassetteEP)
EUCLID C FINDER - Euclid C Finder! (cassetteEP)
EUCLID C FINDER - Euclid C Finder! (ZBR131)
for fans of: The Great Redneck Hope, Meth. and Graf Orlock.
EUCLID C FINDER is the brainchild of Mike from Neck First, Kiss The Sky Goodbye and Egarra and follows a similar path of mathy, grindy and shrieky hardcore not unlike the MySpace days of Me And Him Call It Us and Hayworth, but there are definite Graf Orlock undertones, especially in the vocal department. This cassette not only houses the new, six-track self titled EP, but also the debut EP ‘A Standard Basis For The Set of All Discontent‘ on the b-side. What a steal!
Cassette limited to 100 on ferric with an orange shell and hand-numbered four-panel j-card. Download code included.
Listen here: